Voice Bio

Let Your Voice Tell You What Your Body Knows: “Sound” has come of age.  

In the early 1990s, Kae Thompson-Liu, a naturopath and health researcher, was led to the power of sound, frequency and energetic fields through numerous pioneers in energy medicine.  After taking a variety of courses in this field, Kae found that none of them gave her the tools, safety and reliability she sought and required.  In frustration, she abandoned these practices and invented her own proprietary system.

How Does it Work?

The sound of the voice represents the composite frequencies of the human body. Each emotion, organ, gland and system of the human body has its own frequency that resonates to particular nutrients, minerals and vibrations required for their function. There are 12 keynote frequencies in the body corresponding to the 12 notes of the chromatic musical scale.  As an example, the colon vibrates to the note of B, the liver to the note of G, a co-dependent personality to the note of C.
VAH accurately reveals frequency patterns in the body, showing what tonal frequencies are either heavy (overworked or exhausted) or weak (stagnant or not working).  An assessment of the heavy and weak areas of a voiceprint empowers people to not only understand the root cause of their physical-emotional energetic imbalances, but also the right key to take back control of their own energetic health, holistically and expeditiously through appropriate nutrition, herbs, homeopathy, lifestyle changes, therapies of your choice, etc.

Book voice analysis at the studio $55


Book a Foundation session which includes voice analysis and a 25 minute Vibroacoustic music treatment on the sound table. $99

sound therapy voice analysis software

What Can I Expect From a Session? 

Without asking for any personal information other than your name and birth date, a voiceprint is taken in under 5 minutes. 

The voiceprint reveals any weak or heavy tonal frequencies, and your VoiceBio practitioner will discuss the relationship of your voiceprint to organ systems, glands or emotions.  Suggestions of appropriate nutrition and herbs, homeopathy, lifestyle changes, therapies, and toning to correct any imbalances are given.

This non-invasive energy medicine tool is very useful for people with chronic health problems.  The average person is amazed at the breadth and depth of information that is available. 

A Voiceprint gives you information that can help you understand the ROOT CAUSE of your physical-emotional-energetic imbalances.  It allows you to see which areas of your body need support because of exhaustion and which areas need stimulation – the KEY to taking back control of your own energetic health, holistically and expeditiously, through appropriate suggestions.

Click here to see a Sample Note Card based on A#

Everything in the universe functions through sound vibration. Because VAH accurately reveals the frequency patterns of the body, it can be an invaluable assessment tool on the way to understanding and realizing optimal physical health for yourself, family and friends, or clients.