Tuning Fork Training

2 Day Training for Practitioners

Tuning Fork Applications

April 26 -27th 10am-5pm

2 day training Lunch included $599

*plus materials

This 2 day training is ideal for those already working on the body who want to learn to add tuning forks to their practice.

This can include massage therapists, physiotherapists, reiki practitioners, sound healers, spa therapists, acupressure & acupuncture, breathwork practitioners, reflexologists and those in care of others such as care aids, nurses and full time caregivers.

We will work with the Ohm Therapeutics method of applying tuning forks on and around the body. Placement on acupressure points as well as correct use incorporating into your existing practice and sessions.

You’ll learn a valuable self care practice and a full body treatment for clients which you can offer as a stand alone treatment or use parts as an addition to your own treatments.

Training will be held in Nanaimo at a private spa - 6 student maximum - lunch is included.

See below for required materials. *for those coming from out of town, there are 5 reasonably priced ($100-150) hotels within walking distance

Logo text: ohm therapeutics with a tuning fork graphic on a gold oval background.

Day 1

Sound healing basics

  • History and present day applications

  • Instrument overview

  • Music theory fundamentals

  • Cymatics & Binaural beats

  • Resonance and Entrainment

Tuning fork overview and introduction to Ohm Therapeutics tuning forks. Based on the frequency of the Earth’s rotation around the sun, you’ll learn more about the law of octaves and why it’s so important in sound healing. Ohm forks are quality, made in the USA, tools for life. Hands on demo includes a self treatment protocol you’ll be adding to your own wellness toolbox.

  • Correct technique and application

  • Adding complementary music or ambient room sounds to enhance treatment outcome

  • Adding Vibroacoustic Therapy to your practise

Learn the front body application of Ohm forks on acu - points. Each student will have an experience observing, giving and receiving the treatment.

Day 2

Benefits of working with sound your business. We’ll discuss how to incorporate into your business and sessions, sound healing marketing tips, making sure your treatment space is sound friendly.

  • Learning resources for going deeper with sound healing

  • how to choose additional instruments for your practise

  • how to introduce sound healing to your clients

Learn the back body application of Ohm forks on acu - points. Each student will have an experience observing, giving and receiving the treatment.

Register below to secure your seat $599

Your time spent in this weekend training will leave you with the tools to confidently add sound healing to your practice with tuning forks, expanding and adding value to your offerings.

Your program leaders

Portrait of a woman with brown hair, wearing a light blue blouse and beaded necklace, smiling at the camera against a neutral background.

Narissa Young

Musician, Certified Sound Therapy Practitioner , Level 2 Ohm Therapeutics Practitioner, Certified Vibroacoustic Therapy Practitioner. Co-Owner and Lead Trainer at vibroacoustictherapy.com

Confident presenter with a creative mind, Narissa will show you how to effectively use sound for wellness. Passionate about helping others WIN in their life, the Sea of Sound studio in Nanaimo is where she helps others create a healing relationship with sound through one on one sessions.

Her experience in music industry and drive to contribute led her to study sound healing. Narissa is on a purpose driven path to help people feel their best so they can create the life they desire and become stronger members of their local and ultimately global communities. She knows that a rising tide floats all boats and there is MUCH work to be done with sound.

Woman smiling in garden with red flowers and green leaves

Lisa Meikle

Spa Therapist, Massage Practitioner, Level 2 Ohm Therapeutics practitioner, Reiki, Healing Arts.

Lisa’s mission is to make a difference by nurturing and nourishing others with various healing modalities creating custom experiences for her clients. 

When she started her path as a Beautician 38 years ago, she quickly knew her work was more than having women leave feeling beautiful on the outside but an opportunity to create a tranquil space for others to take a sacred pause for deeper healing.

Lisa feels this is the most important work she can offer and feels blessed to follow her true heart’s desires. She wants others to know their value and the importance of self-care, its positive rippling effect in all areas of their life

Continuing Care & Coaching - Lisa will be offering guidance sessions for those wanting a little after training support.

What you’ll need:

Required materials to attend the Tuning Fork Applications Weekend Training :

  • Sound Healing Book/dvd - Marjorie DeMuynck - Vibrational Healing With Ohm Tuning Forks

  • 2 - mid Ohm forks

  • 1 low Ohm fork

  • Leg activator

Purchase in advance from Sea of Sound $444 (15% savings off regular price)

*bring a notebook, pen and a highlighter

** if you already have all the above, you’ll only pay the registration fee.

Individual forks and accessories can be purchased in advance or at program at 10% off.

  • Osteo Ohm

  • Sonic Ohm

  • High Ohm Pair

  • Luna Pair

Sea of Sound tuning fork accessories :

  • Angel tuner set - 3 small forks with ALOT of purpose

  • Stainless steel tuning fork boots - excellent for massage, facials…

  • Tuning fork stands - natural wood, black or white matte finish, made on Vancouver Island!

secure your seat $599

Lunch Included both days

*registration fee is for training only, see above list of required materials

Fill in the form below to register, an invoice will be sent to you