May the forks be with you…

Here’s a quick list of what I typically have on hand, please contact me if you have any questions and to verify availability:

BIOSONICS -based on the ideal geometric proportions of the human body, tuned as musical intervals

Body Tuners pair C&G. $129

Perfect 5th pair, instant ahh, 30 sec meditation aid, nervous system balance

Leonardo set of 4 C,F,G,A $199

Expansion set to the Body Tuners pair C&G

Weighted 128hz C $129

The Otto 128 Tuner resonates with the bones, stimulates the nerves, and helps release tension.

Weighted 192hz G $129

Perfect 5th of 128hz fork (ps. the body is full of 3:2 mathematical ratios = a musical 5th!)

Human Tuning Book $35 This is a foundational sound healing read! We will also use it in the Tuning Fork Essentials workshop.

OHM THERAPEUTICS - Based on frequency of Earth’s rotation around the sun.

Mid Ohm 136.1hz intro kit $139

Great first fork set with puck activator

Mid Ohm 136.1hz $129

The middle of the Ohm tuning system, the Ohm frequency 32 octaves up into the audible range!

Low Ohm 68.05 $129

Excellent for use with Mid Ohm to create the Ohm Octave

Osteo Ohm 34hz $139

Promote the healing of strained muscles, tendons, and ligaments (ps. the “purr” fork, cats purr 25-50hz, stimulates mitochondria)

Sonic Ohm 1088hz $119

The “sonic sage” for space clearing before/after sessions. Use instead of burning sage or palo santo.

Luna pair 210.42 hz & 105.21 hz $199

For conditions of fluid retention, sinus and lung congestion, arthritis and chronic joint pain. Moon frequencies in 2 octaves! (moon and earth are in a 3:2 / perfect 5th harmony relationship)

High Ohm pair $199

Use in the energetic field around the body, to help balance and attune the Chakras, and re-set the energy of a treatment room or home environment

Sound Healing book & dvd $59

For practitioners (massage, reiki, cranial sacral, chiro, acupuncture,sound workers…) & anyone wanting to work on the body

Tuning Fork Applications for Massage Therapists

SEA OF SOUND Forks & Accessories:

Quartz Crystal Tuner 4096hz. $59

Angel Tuners set of 3 $149

Stainless Steel boot for weighted forks (ideal on your Otto 128hz or 136.1 mid Ohm). $111

Tuning Fork Stands - *NEW - $155 in natural wood finish, matte white, matte black. Each stand holds 6 forks, stands are modular and nest together to make the shape of an ancient Greek / Roman amphitheater.

Made on Vancouver Island!

Mallets, pucks & practitioner leg activators too!

*all prices in Canadian dollars, +GST 5%

Tuning forks mounted on wooden stands in front of a colorful abstract background
Tuning forks on a wooden stand